Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Burn Belly Fat

 Finding out how to burn belly fat is crucial as abdominal fat is anything but appealing, and is an unsightly bulge. Pot belly, spare tire, jelly belly, love handles, are all terms to hide our discomfort over that ungainly part of our bodies, and men and women alike would love to be able to quickly lose their abdominal fat.
However, abdominal fat is rather stubborn and losing it tends to be a difficult business. Despite the plethora of commercials claiming to provide magic pills, oils or miracle gadgets that would enable you to be rid of your belly in days, all such claims fall flat when it comes to delivering the promised results. Unfortunately, again, doing hundreds of sit-ups and other abdominal exercises fails to provide a solution either.

So what is the best way to lose belly fat?
The elusive secret to shedding belly fat permanently is actually rather simple. All it requires are just a couple of easily followed steps, and most of all your determination in consistently keeping to them; and soon that long cherished flat stomach is yours for keeps.

2 Steps for Losing Your Belly Fat Quickly and Effectively

1) Exercise properly to lose belly fat.
The first thing you need to do is to plan out and structure your workouts properly. So stop wasting your time on doing hundreds of abdominal exercise reps. It is a misperception that targeting most of your workout at your abdominal area is actually going to help you reduce that belly. Direct abdominal exercises will certainly help to tone and shape up the overall stomach area, but these do not help to reduce abdominal fat. You must understand that just loosing abdominal fat in isolation is not possible, and that belly fat can only reduce when the fat deposits on your entire body have been targeted. So the most direct way to lose belly fat is to focus on the largest muscle groups of your body through multi-joint and high intensity exercises for the legs, chest, and back.
The effects of these multi-joint exercises boost your metabolic rate significantly, and the effects last for up to 48 hours after the workout. These exercises also increase the production of fat-burning hormones within your body. Doing exercises targeting solely your abs can never produce such effective fat burning results.

2) Adjust your daily diet to lose belly fat.
The second indispensable step to flat abs is to clean up your habitual diet.
Diets of all kinds, each promising to get you in shape and make you fit have flooded the market. But no matter what the diet, be it low-carb, low-fat or high protein, be it a liquid diet, grapefruit diet, an Atkins diet or a south beach diet, all these in the long run make you gain even more weight than you shed when you return to eating normally.  There is the added problem that each diet compromises on one or more of the basic and essential macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), which eventually disrupts your metabolic cycle and causes you to lose lean muscle.

Proper exercise and a proper diet are both imperative in order to effectively to lose your belly fat. A proper diet should be well balanced, and should provide natural sources of proteins, carbohydrates, as well as fats.
To meet your proteins needs, you could choose from foods like lean meats, chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, etc. and plenty of fresh vegetables are also a must. When it comes to watching the carbohydrates, ensure that a greater portion of these come from the sources with high fiber content, like fruits, brown rice, oatmeal, cereals, etc. And please don’t avoid fat, since a regular dose of healthy fat is essential for a healthy body. Instead, try to keep to good sources of healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, seeds, nuts and nut butters, etc.

Remember that a complete and well balanced diet helps to meet your body’s necessary requirements for macro-nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and in turn prepares your body to benefit from the exercise, by increasing its metabolism and burn fat faster.

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